Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Are the little bumps on your penis ruining your sex life?

Many men do not know what it is called or why they have these ugly little bumps on the head of the penis. This is caused by Pearly Penile Papules and it is treatable

“Are The Ugly Bumps on Your “Man Friend” Ruining Your Sex Life?”Pearly Penile Papules

“Professors Predicted I Would Never Remove My Pearly Penile Papules. But Contrarily to their Prediction, I Removed my Papules Easily, Permanently & In Just 3 Days! I'll Show You How...”

for more information on how to treat this problem Click Here!

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Monday, December 27, 2010

How A Woman Can Get The Passion Back Into Her Body And Mind

Bringing Your Passion Back

For women who have lost their passion, this article is for you. When a woman no longer feels sexy about herself she may have a hard time being passionate with her spouse or partner. Sex may become a chore rather than a pleasure or an exciting release.
Many times after a woman has had children and is in a committed relationship for a time or is approaching her late forties or fifty’s she may notice that the once fun, passionate spited girl she was is somehow gone. The great news is that a woman can get her passion back and if she is in her forties, this can become one of the most passionate times of her life.
The reason that the forties are such a passionate time for women is that they know their bodies, how to control their emotions and who they are. This is a very powerful combination, also with a woman who had been taking good care of herself, feels good and looks good she can be especially sexy.
If the later part does not apply to you, hopefully after this article it will encourage you to feel better about yourself and prompt you to take notice of your health, appearance, and state of mind.
Whether you are short, fat, big, tall, small breasts, big breasts, athletic, the point is, it does not matter what you are on the outside, what matters is how you feel on the inside. Sexy comes from inside and then radiates thoroughout your whole body sending off energy and pheromones that you may not even realize you are capable of producing.
One of the best workout trends out there that will get a woman in tip top shape, along with her mind feeling sexy is pole dancing class. This may seem funny to some, but who ever invented it was on the right tract. When a woman feels sexy and looks sexy and moves sexy she is opens herself up to passion. A prime example of this is a night out on the town when a woman puts on a sexy dress and some high heels her mood and her movement, everything about her changes and she radiates sexy passion. The problem is that some women don’t do enough of this or have forgotten how to get dressed up and go out at all.

Get Your Butt Moving Again

If pole dancing is not for you here are a few ways to get the body moving and feeling sexier while increasing cardiovascular effects and getting the blood pumping back into your body:
1. Put the music on at home and start dancing, lock the bedroom door and dance your heart out. Make sure the music is sexy, raunchy and makes you want to shake your bum.
2. Grab a girl friend and go out to a club and go dancing, put on the shoes the dress, the hair, the makeup and let loose.
3. Take up salsa dancing with your spouse or on your own, the Latin dance is sure to get the blood flowing in all the right places.
4. Go to a zumba dance class at your local gym, shake it up.
5. Yoga is another way to get in touch with your body; it stretches women in all of the right places making her more flexible and firm.

Think Sexy Thoughts

Get your mind to start thinking sexy thoughts that bring passion to your womanly area.
1. Fantasize about something that turns you on.
2. Read a trashy romance novel that makes you hot.
3. Go see a sexy movie.
4. Look at some hot handsome men
5. Put on some trashy lingerie and heels and walk around your room, lay in your bed with satin sheets and start to play with yourself

Play With Yourself

Play with yourself or have more sex…….that is the third on the list
In a study done by Athena Science a woman who has regular sex with her partner or even is sexual with herself will release more sexual pheromones to the opposite sex, “Cutler's other studies show women who have sex with men at least once a week have regular menstrual cycles and fewer fertility and menopause problems, apparently because of exposure to pheromones.” http://www.athenainstitute.com/discovery.html
1. Touch your body on a regular basis
2. Get your juices so to speak going, there is nothing that will put you in the mood more than to wake up body parts that have been asleep for years?
3. If you don’t use it you will lose it, this is very true for a woman, and we must use it!!!!!
4. Use it often on your own or with your spouse, partner, or lover. Women I can guarantee you one thing and that is if you play with yourself often you will begin to want it more, it will create a chain reaction in your body and release hormones that need to be woken up.
5. Flirt, yes you can flirt innocently, but allow yourself to be a little flirty, womanly. One of the best ways to do this is to give a man a compliment. Try out your flirty ways on your husband, and see how it pays to give your man a compliment.
The best advice is always to be kind to you, love yourself and take care of yourself. Life is too short not to have had a great sex life, or never experience what it’s like to have passion in your life. Take charge of your inner woman and bring passion back to your body.

J D Murrah profile image
J D Murrah 5 months ago
I enjoyed the hub. It contained a great deal of useful things to do. Your inclusion of other links adds a great deal to your hubs.
I did have a question about how you are using the word passion. The term itself means to bring about pain. The examples you gave are more about increasing sensuality than pain.
I welcome your thoughts on the 'passion' issue?

MMMoney profile image
MMMoney 5 months ago
very nice hub I love all points

dawnM profile image
dawnM 5 months ago
Hi J D I think that passion is a wonderful thing not about pain at all?
passion for living, passion for giving being passionate?
I think that you and I have a very different view on passion.

J D Murrah profile image
J D Murrah 5 months ago
Thanks for responding on passion. I suspected it was about a passion for living, as in exuberance, enjoyment, with feeling. I just wanted to be sure. Keep up the good work.

Mentalist acer profile image
Mentalist acer 5 months ago
This hub was certainly affactatious to me as a male and feel helpful to the female senibilities;)

MartieCoetser profile image
MartieCoetser 5 months ago

dallas93444 profile image
dallas93444 5 months ago
Passion: any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate. Or could be the state of being acted upon or affected by something external, esp. something alien to one's nature or one's customary behavior ( contrasted with action). Enjoyed hub! I will share it with you know who!! :-)

dawnM profile image
dawnM 5 months ago
You go dallas, do your thing.
love the upside down smile Martie!!!

akirchner profile image
akirchner 5 months ago
Definitely read romance novels! I love them and I always recommend them to friends who say they are 'tired of sex' - after I look at them and my mouth falls open!
Being sexy or thinking about sex isn't as natural as it was when you are first young and a hottie! It gets mixed up there somehow and you have to honestly EXERCISE it just like you exercise your muscles. Some of my friends think thinking about sex or trying to recreate a positive sex life is 'dirty' after a certain age - I totally disagree....but of course I'm the one who is smiling all the time so I guess we know how THAT works out!
I always get carried away....GREAT HUB! All your points are right on! If anyone needs any romance novels, have them send me an email. I keep many on hand just in case!

dawnM profile image
dawnM 5 months ago
I alway look forward to your comments akirchner they are great. My theory is your never to old to bring pleasure to your body as long as your mind still craves it. I'll take your romance novels.........lol
Pre-rec reading before I became a therapist or sex counselor....lol

2besure profile image
2besure 5 months ago
Sex starts in the brain and works its way down. Great tips for getting your sexy back!

dawnM profile image
dawnM 4 months ago
yes that is very true 2besure!!!

tsloan profile image
tsloan 4 months ago
A wonderful blog! Thank you. I have never tried pole dancing but do enjoy strip tease. There are some very good DVDs on the market and many gyms have classes that are really a ton of fun. Love and light to you!

dawnM profile image
dawnM 4 months ago
thanks tsloan, I forgot to put the stirp tease in so great for mentioning that!! Tha is also a very good exercise and sensual!

Danielle Nicole profile image
Danielle Nicole 3 months ago
Another great hub Dawn! Keep up the good work.
For more fun in your life suscribe to this blog or visit Dawn at dawn@thehappyspouse.com or http://www.thehappyspouse.com/

Women are capable of three types of orgasms

Outer anatomy of clitoris.Image via Wikipedia
Most women don’t realize it but they are capable of experiencing three different types of orgasms.  The first is a g-spot orgasm which is located inside of the vagina.  The g-spot has a little nubby texture to it and when pressed on it has the sensation of feeling like urinating.  The next type of orgasm is the clitoral orgasm.  The clitoris is for the sole purpose of sexual pleasure on a woman.  It is the one area on a woman’s body where there is a dense amount of nerve endings.  The clitoris is coved in the clitoral hood.   The third type of orgasm is when the g-spot and clitoris are stimulated at the same time giving a woman a clitoral and g-spot orgasm.
In many cases women are not able to have an orgasm alone just from intercourse alone; they will also need to have the clitoris stimulated as well.  This can be done manually during intercourse, where the clitoris is stimulated.  One great product that came out is a vibrator shaped in a u that goes inside of the vagina and also on the clitoris, the other wonderful aspect is it can be used during intercourse.  For a woman they may need a little extra stimulation and this product will make a world of difference adding increased pleasure to sex.  This is especially wonderful when women get a little older and her sex drive is not what it used to be.  A woman is not only capable of their three types of orgasms but also having multiple orgasms
We Vibe Ii Teal - thehappyspousestore.com

The We-Vibe you know and love is now even better! The basic idea of the We-Vibe II is to stimulate the clitoris and the G-spot simultaneously and can be worn during penetrative sexual intercourse. The clitoral pad features slight ridges for greater stimulation with vibrations, and the G-Spot stimulator vibrates internally while hugging the G-spot. Its super-lightweight and flexible, so it fits to your contours and is totally comfortable. This toy is totally wireless and hands-free,
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