Sunday, September 12, 2010

The benefits of having an orgasm for your health and your marriage

An orgasm not only feels incredibly good but also has many natural health benefits for your body. When a person has and orgasm it will release natural chemicals into the body that can help relieve tension, help with sleep, menstrual cramps, pain in the body, burns calories and food craving, and will deepen the connection between husband and wife.
When an orgasm happens, the heat beats faster and there is an increase in blood flow followed by a quick drop in blood pressure which helps to relax the body. The body also releases phenetylamine which is a natural form of amphetamine and can regulate craving with added appetite control. The body will release endorphins that mimic the properties of morphine which have been said to reduce pain in the body and also help with menstrual cramping.

When the body does release through orgasm, it helps to elevate tension, anxiety and produces a calming response in the body.

When couples can give each other an orgasm this will deepen the connection of the relationship. In marriage when one person is not able to reach orgasm this can cause tension with the couple’s sex life and eventually lead to sexual dissatisfaction in the marriage from both the husband and wife.

According to JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association), 43 percent of American women suffer from some form of "Female Sexual Dysfunction".  Both men and women can experience problems with achieving orgasm. In women the problem tends to be more psychological than physical, which is positive in the fact that a woman can be taught how to achieve an orgasm through masturbation and other techniques. A woman’s orgasm is more complicated than a mans in the way in which women tend to have to have more of a mind body connection to climax.  There are of course medical reasons why a woman cannot achieve an orgasm as well, but the percentage is lower than psychological reasons. 

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